Monday 12 December 2011


There's a strange feeling that manifests itself on many people everywhere once a week. As Sunday draws to a close, they have a feeling of dread that the next day is approaching. , it leaves you feeling black and blue in the heart. No matter how much you hate Mondays, it will come and you can do nothing about it.

If you disdain Mondays, you are not alone. It affects millions of people worldwide. And it's nothing to do with the type of job you have: even people who hold rather "pleasant" jobs do not look forward to the approach of Monday either.

Why do people hate Mondays?

Different people have given me different answers, but generally, it boils down to one reason: Monday represents the sacrifice of personal freedom for the sake of financial survival. A day or two of rest puts us in Relax Mode, and we abhor the very thought that our Relax Mode is ending.

But why do we have to go to work on Monday anyway?

In order to keep the job.
In order to earn the salary.
In order to pay the bills.
In order to survive in today's society.

If you don't realize how silly that is, listen to this: When a person says he is looking for a job, I tell you, he isn't looking for a job. If you give him a job without a pay, do you think he will take it? No sir, what he is looking for, is the opportunity to trade his time and energy and skill in exchange for money. Why then, does a person say he is looking for a job, when in fact he is looking for regular money? Because society has conditioned him to accept that the only acceptable way of getting regular money is to trade his time, energy and skill for it.

If instead of a job, you offer him regular money, would he accept it? You bet he would! Unfortunately society doesn't work that way. In fact, society has us believing there is no such thing as regular money without a job. So much so that a jobless person is regarded with sympathy, if not contempt.

If you say everybody should accept his lot, go to work and bear with it, you are exhibiting herd mentality. If the whole village says the world is flat, do you accept that, or do you continue to believe that it is round? Just because everybody believes something or does something, doesn't mean it is the best thing to do. If it is, why do we hate Mondays, why do we look forward to public holidays, why do we wish our annual leave is longer? It's because humans are not made to work.

Do you love your job? If you say yes, would you be willing to hold the job without pay? If you can honestly say yes to that, then you are indeed filling your time doing something you are passionate about. You should continue doing it, whether or not it pays money. If, however, you don't love your job, or you love it but you wouldn't do it without pay, then you should seek to create a new stream of income so that one day you can either quit the job you hate, or work simply for the love of it. In either case, you should be working for the love of the work, not because you depend on it. Does that make sense?

do i love my job?...thats a one million dollar question i would give u an answer if u ask me personally...*wink
TGIF>>>>sorry i meant TGIM...Thank God Its Monday

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