Tuesday 29 November 2011

Patrick Obahiagbon On The Death Of Odumegwu Ojukwu

"The invitation to the Celestial Lodge of the Soul Personality of the irrefrangible and sui ge.neris Ikemba himself-Dim Odimegwu Ojukwu-brings again to focal hiceps and biceps the ephemerality of life. Beyond the state of lachrymoseism his celestial ascension has and would continue to righteously bestow, I do hope however that we take immutable cognition of the fact that the fundamental issues which Ikemba confronted has now even coagulated and ossified into gorgon medusa.".........after reading this i really wondered what he meant cos i really didn't understand any thing he said or is it just me? ....please i really want to know what he meant.

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