Wednesday 12 October 2011


yeah u wondering why the two?,and what do they have in common or why the comparison, cos they seem or perhaps seemed like two parallel lines,
first lets look at the Bible i have put a pix in case u have never seen one before which would be weird... if i hear ....its that book we carry to church the word of God but it amazes me how  metamorphosis has  happed to our dearly belove Bible, what do we have now? its called the IPAD i have also put up a pix, thats  if u have not seen one before, it an electronic device of lets just a say a mini computer ,what surprised me is the way people now carry IPADS to church instead of the bible ...whats the motive? is it to show off that u can afford it or better still let us know that you are in the 21st century? ...they was a case stuy that actually inspired me writing about this, one thanks giving Sunday in my church this man came to church as usual  with his IPAD an when it was time to dance out with his offering he cane dancing with his IPAD, why ? for the obvious reason he dosent what to leave it on his seat ,he dosent even trust the church brethren so he dances out with is treasure ,remember that saying about where your treasure is? if u where to choose between carry an iPad to church or a bible what will it be..............

as for me .........i would only tell u only if  u tell me

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