Monday 17 September 2012

CBN plans coins dispensing ATMs

 CBN plans coins dispensing ATMs
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) says it will facilitate the introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) that can dispense coins to encourage Nigerians imbibe the culture of spending them.

Mr Chidi Umeano, Head of Shared Services at CBN, on Monday in Lagos said that this plan was in tune with the currency restructuring exercise. He said that the coins dispensing ATMs would hasten the acceptance of coins by Nigerians and change misconception about their use.

“To achieve this plan, what is needed is to facilitate the inclusion of a process called “add-on” to the ATMs.
“Good enough, the existing ATMs have the “add-on“ feature that will easily make them adapt to coins dispensing, “ he said.
Umeano said that the apex bank would ensure that newly deployed ATMs had the “add-on“ feature among others.
“It is very possible to achieve Automated Teller Machines that will dispense coins.
“This “add-on” feature can be activated on the ATMs at any time by the CBN and this is not new because it is being practiced in advanced countries.

“This proposal is in consonance with our cash-less policy and also in line with the CBN’s effort to encourage Nigerians to appreciate coins, “he said.

Mr Dipo Fatokun, CBN Director of Banking and Payments System, had in August said that the apex bank would soon facilitate the introduction of multi-functional ATMs.
Fatokun said that such ATMs would also be able to accept deposits from customers and credit their accounts immediately.

Source: NAN

Friday 14 September 2012

10 TIPS FOR GETTING A LADY (For all my single guyz)

Please note that this tips are for getting a 'serious' lady and i don't mean getting all those ones in jegginess and Brazilian weavon o (you just need money to get this ones)

Be friendly!
And by friendly, "Hey baby, you look hot" does not fit here. That might work on a small fraction of girls, but it's a terrible introduction. Comment on her hair, her face, her eyes, or anything else. Do not make a lewd comment. Those just backfire.

Have confidence!
Go places! That's right, instead of sticking to your normal routine (galleria,clubs..etc) do something different. Jog to work ( i dont mean like mainland to the island o). Mix things up and meet someone new!

Dress appropriately! 
A peacock struts around displaying it's feathers to attract a mate. You are a peacock, so one of the biggest tips I can give for attracting girls is to dress up! But dress appropriately, it's just silly to go jogging in a native wear.

Be self-confident! 
You're a great person. You wouldn't be looking for tips to attract girls if you didn't have the self-confidence to use a little bit of introspection on yourself and try to see what you're doing wrong when it comes to girls. It might sound roundabout at first, but it's wholly true.

What women don't like a bit of romance? It shows you care They don't have to be expensive gestures just show you have gone out of your way for them. A box of Chocolates ,or a ice perfume, a book she may like or cook her a meal(which ever way the meals comes out it would still be loved) .The fact you have made the gesture will be highly appreciated.

Display maturity !
It’s always said that women mature faster than guys and are often found complaining about how immature they act. Impress her with the way you deal with situations and your outlook on the whole. Show her how responsible you are about finances, or how  serious you are about your career. And demonstrate your ability to think clearly and rationally when disagreements crop up or a conflict of interests presents itself.
TIP: Women love it when a guy takes interest in their likes, dislikes, interests, family, childhood and so many other areas.

Be unpredictable!
Women love wondering what's next. But most guys are painfully predictable. Don't ASK her where she wants to go for dinner. Instead, TELL her see you at 8. If she's curious, say "It's a surprise." Take her to an unusual place. Even if it's local joint on the mainland, she'll love it more than a fancy eatery, simply because of the anticipation. The only predictable thing about you should be unpredictability.

Have a life!
Women don't like men who follow them like a hand bag. Women, especially quality women, want a man who is on HIS path, following HIS passions. Have a busy life with interesting activities that bring a smile to YOUR face and it will automatically attract people (including women) to you. Don't chase women, attract them.

Be honest!
Never lie to a girl just to impress her ,it really a turn off when she later finds out the truth so make sure shes liking you for who you are and not what you have made her to think you are

Don't make her jealous!
This tends to backfire on the guy who does this. If you're trying to find out if, in fact, she does like you, ask one of her friends. Or compare how she acts around you and around other guys. If she acts differently around you, then something is there. Trust your instincts. If you believe there's good chemistry between you and her, be patient and let it develop. Do not tell or show her about your current and past dates with other women even if she asks over and over again; if you can show loyalty for her, the relationship will go smoother faster. A woman may take this relationship investment seriously, and looking and showing interest by you in other beauties in a restaurant in front of her can be seen as inconsiderate and insensitive, so focus your eyes and effort only on her

Money Money Money! 
OK! its not included in the Top 10 tips  but we all know thats its a very very important factor in any relationships so make sure u have a lot of it   ... chao!

Thursday 13 September 2012


IK Osakioduwa's the popular TV and radio personality and Big brother Africa Host  as shared these TIPS for getting a man, hes happily married so no way for u , if u are planning on getting him ...LOL

1. Learn to do solo trips. It's just easier for most guys to step to a girl on her own, than one in a pack of girls

2.Make friends with married women. They know what guys want more than your single friends (that's why they're married)

3. Be careful not to be TOO INDEPENDENT. Learn to gain from your man's presence in your life. Guys need to be needed

4.Drop guys that take all ur time without really chasing u. They block other guys. No IWC= Intimacy Without Commitment

5. Make an effort. Try to look nice. Work out. Guys like babes. Get that Don King hair done, stop forming"Oh Naturale" #IksTipsToGettingAMan

6. Don't give it ALL up. Leave some for marriage. Perfect the art of giving previews. Nobody pays for free stuff.

7. Learn to cook. Most guys like a girl that CAN cook. Yeah not all guys but MOST. So do yourself a favour and learn

8. Have standards. Or you'll find yourself in and out relationships too often and that'll earn you a bad name.

9. No matter what, never be rude or abusive to him in front of his friends. (Not even in jest

10. Don't pressure him to marry u with questions like "Where's this leading?" Instead leave him if he's taking too long

Wednesday 12 September 2012



If you’re not ready to delay gratification when your are angry. To hold your tongue, lower your voice and sometimes wait till the appropriate time, day or even month before you can deal with an issue thoroughly…. don’t get married. Immaturity is the inability to delay gratification. Marriage is for the mature.

If you’re not ready to leave center stage and allow someone else to become your focus, your study, your muses… don’t get married. Selfish people make very bad spouses. In marriage you don’t lose yourself but your heart has to be big enough to gain someone else. And soon, with God’s blessing: little, crying, diaper soiling, demanding little ones are coming!

If you are not ready, to stand up and calmly deal with meddling in laws as a united front: The opinionated sister, the insensitive uncle, the domineering father, the manner less brother, the nosy aunt….. don’t get married. Boundaries do not exist automatically, they must be created. A good spouse is committed to respectfully stand up for and protect their marriage from meddling relatives. Don’t abandon your spouse to your relatives. It’s betrayal.

If you are not ready to pay bills…. don’t get married. Love does not pay bills. PHNC will not give a waiver because your love is O so strong and your gazes at each other, O so romantic.

If you are not ready to let go of your opposite sex “best friends” and invest that into your spouse. To like, to laugh, to play, to be silly and to enjoy life with them, above anyone else… don’t get married. Affairs happen because people did not marry their best friends. Someone else holds their heart. Someone else gets them better. Someone else inspires them more. Marry your best friend and cultivate your friendship so that you remain best friends.

If you are not ready to stop competing with the Joneses…. don’t get married. Let the Joneses buy their yatch when you are still walking, and enjoy the walk. Your journeys are different. They may have to cross the oceans but you may be going through the road route. A boat might not do you any good on your journey. You must be ready to pace yourselves: stop competing, stop spending your future before you get there, stop the debt, stop trying to impress people. You must be able to be content. To enjoy your journey without deciding your happiness simply by measuring your progress against other people.

If you are not ready to be an open book. To tell the whole story of your past, deal with the memories, expose the failures and risk rejection…. don’t get married. It is fraud to have someone sign off their life to you without the full details. The past is a touchy and demanding friend. It always shows up in the marriage. It doesn’t enjoy being ignored and the more you snob, the bolder it becomes and the more tantrums it throws. It will mess up the “neat” and “all together lovely” image that you are struggling to maintain.

If you are not ready to let go of your philandering and wild oats farming…. don’t get married. Don’t take somebody’s son or daughter and subject them to your germs, your indiscretions and your chips fungaz. It never ends well. It’s romanticized in the movies, it’s being fronted as the only “realistic” way to stay married and keep the fire burning. But truth be told, the only thing that the fire will burn will be you, your spouse and your children. That family will burn for generations in bitterness, disease, fear, failure, hatred, broken hearts, broken dreams and conniving

Finally, if you are not ready to let go of the adrenalin rush of a risque life and to settle down…. don’t get married. The great Colombus [who we were told "discovered" America, Have you ever wondered if the Native Indians who were in it, knew that it existed :) ] had a diary that was long sought for. People wanted to read about the wild journeys, the sea tempest, the reckless pirates they fought, the death and the danger they must have encountered. When it was found, there was great disappointment. Majority of the pages simply had 5 words: “This day, we sailed on.”.

Marriage, like life in general, has many “we sail on” days. You have to learn to find the thrill in the normal everydayness of it. If you depend on wild romance, all night sex [ha], romantic cruises, wild parties, compulsive moves across continents, tempestuous fights and make up sessions to be happy, you may be disappointed. You have to learn to thrill in gentle smiles, loving hugs, knowing looks, cozy moments, shared chores, cute babies, everyday work, dreaming together, praying together and simply living together. If these things are not thrilling, exciting and satisfying, you will look for a way out. The “boom twaff” moments are still there, but they are normally punctuations to the usualness of living. They cannot be your reason for getting married. They are unsustainable on an everyday basis. The one you choose must be thrilling to you even in the most mundane of moments.

I pray this helps someone. Remember singles, YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF CHOICE. Never let anyone pressure you into marriage. You are either ready or you’re not: You decide!. But please don’t marry somebody and then punish them to live with your childish ways for the rest of their lives :) . A childish baby is cute but a childish adult is extremely frustrating.

Marriage is for the mature and in many ways, even  the married, are still being confronted with the demand to grow up day by day