Wednesday 24 August 2011

why do you walk around when on the phone?

There certainly is a reason. Phones are uncomfortable, which is why you move around in some primal way trying to get comfy. The trouble is that it's not that the handset is uncomfortable on your ear (though maybe that two if it's a dodgy phone), but rather that in one on one communication it is so important to be able to glance to someone, see their body language, and add that as a context to what they just said that when you can't do that, it becomes uncomfortable to vocally communicate.
A hand's free phone is a little bit better, but not by much, because at least the sound is coming from some place near by, not right in your ear. A phone which had earphones on both of your ears would also be a little less uncomfortable for the same reason. The main trouble though, like I said, is the lack of body language. Without body language, there is a huge mental effort in understanding the intentions of each thing said by the other person.
That extra effort is also the reason why driving while on the phone is really really bad, hands free or otherwise. In addition to the phone being right in your ear, and only one ear, the telephone company also removes huge portions of sound to compress more phone calls in to the same network data lines, making the call sound unnatural and telephoney. Some of you may have used software like Skype to call someone through the internet and you've probably noticed it's quite a bit more comfortable just from that improved sound quality, especially if using it hands free with good speakers.
Another interesting thing is that in all phones except video phones, people (or at least myself) seem to get agitated by the lack of body language and start to talk more and more loudly. If you can't see the other person, they must be pretty far away, right? Good reason to speak up? As soon as you add video though, it feels like they are right there with you and there's no reason to speak loudly or extra clearly anymore. It becomes a lot more casual and relaxed on a last not always remembers that distance traveled is directly proportional to the uncomfortableness of the call.....chao!

Monday 15 August 2011


 Search for nigeriaMonday I Love YouThank God It's Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers LoveWhy I Love Mondays: The Autobiography of Alec Reed CBE

Yeah it is Monday again....we know the saying Thank God its Friday but nobody thank God is Monday, why? u answer that. Monday is the first working day of the week ,like the ''FELA song (oju Monday eko o ni gbagba kugba)'' u might have a yoruba person to translate that for you ,lol to some they  wish it would never come,cos Monday means work,Monday means meeting, reports,classes and what have you, but its a day we cant runaway from to me, i like Monday cos it gives another opportunity to achieve, another opportunity to work towards achieving your goals, another day towards being what u wanna be ,to many its just another day cos either Monday or friday thery are still on the move...i also noticed people get to so usesd to enjoying the weekend and they forget that Monday is already here, these kind of people are the one one report late to work ...i think am guilty of that too after the Sunday nite rendezvous. Monday Monday Monday today is another Monday and i guess we pulled it through....Have a great week ahead

Thank God It's Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers LoveWhy I Love Mondays: The Autobiography of Alec Reed CBE

Thursday 11 August 2011


its so funny the kind of people we have on our contact list on BBM i mean blackberry messenger i know after reading this u should fall in on of the categories

1. THE REGULARS: they love fun and are regular broadcasters of regular correct messages,when u see a broadcast from them be sure is not one of these broadcast of die messages.

2. THE LOLs: all they do is lol (laugh out loud) to any message you send them, they dont say more they are always laughing out loud

3.THE PEOPLE PMAN are looking for:  if u dont knw what PMAN is u can like to check Google, all these  ones do is rebroadcast what you sent to them at least they should exclude the person who sent it to them

4: THE STALKERS: all they do is check out your profile ,DP,message or status and that the end nothing more.

5:GBEGBORUNS :when this ones check out your profile, all they ask is this: 'who is dis?,or 'where did u take this pic? or 'why are u positive.........very funny

6:THE GHOSTS: these ones never reply or send or change their DP (display picture) or do anything ,u need to check their pulse once in a while to confirm if they are still alive.

7: THE OFFs AND ONs :all these ones say is

-How far?
-I dey.
and that all till anther 6 months time

8: THE CHAMELEONS: the chameleons wey no get work : these ones  changes thier DP, message and names every 5mins, you begin to find them evry time you wanna send a message

9: THE ONE THAT NEEDS ANTIVIRUS : these ones theri  phone is always crashing and they need to send a request everytime and you keep adding them again and again

10.THE LAMENTATIONS: these type of people you can wriet eabout them from thier message  examples below

-this is my month IJ-God save me from my boss
-i just crossed Oshodi expressway

-my new human hair

-Having luch at Mr biggs....................whats our business with dat

very very funny am sure u  have discovered the one that is your

Wednesday 10 August 2011


Money is the root of all evil,i know u don't agree with me or perhaps let me rephrase the love of Money is the root of all evil ,Money is a  legal tender that we all cant do without ,  while some people  have enough to last their generations years to come some strive to get it everyday, get rich or die trying is money really worth dying for i bet they are better things u should die for and not money, yeah right!
cos money is just vanity i know it does answers all things ,am not concerned with us having the money but its what is the motive behind us getting it that matters,but u may ask me that it very obvious why we need it, well for the basic physiological reasons its OK, i mean food clothes and shelter,but it amazes me what reason i have discovered motivates our gettin rich or die trying let me add that i wont die trying ,
back to what i was saying ,my colleague in the office was saying that the reasons he was working was for his fiance he said he wants the good life for her,that if they was no women in this world that he did not need to work that he he so contented but women have been designed to enjoy the good life, i agree with him to some degree just like in one of tuface idibia's song "i know say u go like to make money to impress your baby plus all of your family",either way the money is always meant for your friends and family only the greedy one eat alone and u know what they say when u eat a lone sure u die alone

Money does commands respect and believe me when u have it u cant  hide it,cos it have a way of showing itself even when u try to hide it  i have also learn t that there are two things that  can make a man really humble when he is out of money or when he has in in excess, and the level of desperation to get it in our part of this world is very alarming and it is just an extention of our materialistic nature.
well as for me i don't want much  ...................i wanna be a billionaire so freaking fast buy all of the things i never had , i wanna be on the cover of Forbes Magazine smiling next to obama and the queen. is that too much to ask for?

Get rich and please don't die

Friday 5 August 2011

Bomb411: TGIF>>>>>>>>>> You know what it iszzzzz

Bomb411: TGIF>>>>>>>>>> You know what it iszzzzz: "yeah its that time of the week we get excited cos its Friday the beginning of the weekend cos there wouldn't be work for some the next day s..."

TGIF>>>>>>>>>> You know what it iszzzzz

yeah its that time of the week we get excited cos its Friday the beginning of the weekend cos there wouldn't be work for some the next day so they get busy hanging out with friends and family , and as the saying goes Thank God Its Friday, u bet every as one thing or the our to thank God for on Friday but really it shouldn't be only Friday we should thank God and we all get ready to dig it in the night to what appeals to every body person either we get busy on the dance floor at the club or we are busy digging it with God at a church vigil ,so what ever you do today don't drink and drive, don't ping and drive, and remember that to much of everything is quite dangerous ,as for me Friday is just another day cos i get to work even on Saturday and Sunday but really i still thank God its Friday

Thursday 4 August 2011


The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice but i dont mean the berry fruit here, its the most anticipated gadgets of the year, it is admired by some, envied by competition,companion to some,a status symbol to many,and a smart phone to some .it doesn't need no further introduction its the almighty blackberry ,but wait a minute do u really think it is that mighty? well i guess the answer is in the hands of the,  but to me i really do think a life without without a blackberry is like a car without a battery dont u think, life has been made easy using a blackberry phone ,i do not have to carry my laptop all around or perhaps look for a cyber cafe like we do in those days, social networking made easier, and also the VIP club dat u join when u have a BB the BBM, but having a blackberry phone has its own disadvantages, first u have to carry it like its ur heart all around, u want to ping every where u get a chance like when driving, on a bike,in church atimes it the first thing you carry and the last thing u drop at night,u need to charge it it every time or even get a second backup battery like me.
 i was in a party recently and i guess u wonder if that was the gate pass, ranging from tourch, to curves everybody had one dressing it up like a baby doll .....people dont even ask whats ur number anymore all they ask is 'whts ur pin?" but really i realy do know that having a blackberry phone could make ur life easy now  u have access to ur emails,and its even a good reseach tool for the seriouz student not the one that uses bb for showing off.

on a last note using a smart phone does not make you smart. if u dont have a blackberry please get one today. and i bet your life would never be the same again .............choa!

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Have u every been caught up in the middle of something,a delima ,and u are meant to decide to be or not to be?, first we ask ourselves what is the driving force that initiates the decisions we make,what is very important to us at that point in time is it self gratification which is founded in ego or pride as u may call  it, or perhaps i think what should drive our decision should be what we stand for and this varies from one individual to another, as for me i would rather die with my honor instead of hiding my tail like the scared dog who is paranoid........ OK i guess u want to know the bottom line? its simple a good name is better than silver and gold and  don't decide not to "BE" what u wanna be cos in the end its your life so go ahead do you thing >>>>see u at the top.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Whats the 411?

Have you ever heard someone asked you whats the 411
well i hope u dont think they mean the number one free phone directory in the US, it simply means whats up?,whats happening? whats goin on? in what ever way u wanna put it simple mean kilo se le(in yoruba language) ok enough of the 411 lecture. welcome to my blog.